DIET's Branches Details
Branch Abbrivation | Full Name of Branch |
PSTE | Pre- Service Teacher Education |
WE | Work Experience |
DRU | District Resource Unit |
IFIC | In –Service Programmes Field Interaction and Innovation Co-Ordination. |
CMDE | Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology. |
PM | Planning and Management. |
Function of branches of DIET
PSTE (Pre-service Teacher Education) |
Organizing pre-service course for elementary school teachers and to provide academic inputs into such course is the subjects represented in the Branch. |
Propagation of (a) learner centered education and (b) education for personality development (including value and cultural education) through training, extension, preparation of suitable teaching aids, action researches etc. |
All general matters concerning teaching methodology and specific matters concerning teaching methodology of the school NFE ( Non Formal Education) subjects represented in the Branch. |
Maintenance of science Lab, Psychology equipment, Resource Room for Education of Disabled children, Rooms for Art education, and equipments and facilities for sports and Physical Education. |
Promotion of and support to co-curricular activities in areas related t the substantive work of branch, e.g. debates and elocution, literature, Science Fairs, Visual and Performing Arts, Sports and Physical Education competitions, Yoga, Hobbies etc. | WE ( Work Experience ) |
The Teaching -Learning Material, Low-Cost Material, Evaluation Material and Techniques concerning the activities and Programmes of Pre-service and In-service Teachers. |
In-service Training Programmes. |
Maintenance of the campus. |
Monitoring and directing the activities of development. |
Maintaining working places/farms/parks for work-experience activities. | DRU (District Resource Unit) |
Organizing and conducting the program for the members of Adult Education and Non-Schooling Education. |
Preparing syllabus for Adult Education and Non-schooling Education. |
Preparing Teaching-Learning Material after Basic Education (Buniyadi Shikshan) and basic mathematics. |
Preparing Low-cost materials and Evaluation Materials |
Coordination with concerning institutes and carries out the activities accordingly. |
Providing services as a Head Department for the programmes of Adult Education, Conducting Field-Interaction with the Adult Education and Non-Schooling Education Centres and their Projects. |
To conduct population education and continuous education. |
IFIC (In Service Field Interaction, Innovation & Co-ordination) |
Coordination with Educational Institutions of the whole district in the organizing and direction of programmes during In-Service Education. |
Conducting programmes organized by DIET. |
Preparing Annual Time-Table and list of Training Programmes. |
Evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the Programmes of In-Service, look after and improving them which are organized inside or outside the infrastructures of DIET. |
Conducting activities through correspondence, visit, distribution of printed materials etc. |
Working as Head Centre in the research and field interaction. |
Publishing Regular Newsletter and distribution to every primary school of the district. |
CMDE (Curriculum Material Development & Evaluation) |
Up Grading of syllabus. |
Syllabus for the tribal people in their own language. |
Searching new talents, principles, motivators for the Evaluation, Questionnaire, Diagnostic test & programmes, |
Supporting District Resource Unit for the development of Adult and Non schooling education. |
Conducting activities through correspondence, visit, distribution of printed materials etc. |
Management of Working schools for the programmes concerning syllabus on service. Material development and evaluation. |
ET (Educational Technology) |
Developing effective and low cost education materials for the basic education. i.e. Chart, Picture, Samples, Models, Map, Drama Scripts, Songs-jingles etc. |
Maintenance of Audio-Visual instruments of DIET. |
Organizing demonstrations of the educational materials prepared by diet or any other Institute. |
Collections of films. |
Organization of Adult Education Programmes. |
Management of working schools for development programmes. |
Running and maintenance of a Computer and other peripherals. |
Computer practical teaching to PSTE students. |
Teleconference, video Conference and email facility. |
Conducting computer awareness programmes for selected primary teachers, CRC co-ordinators, BRC co-ordinators of district. |
P & M (Planning and Management) |
Universalisation of Primary Education. |
Achieving aims of National Education Literacy Programmes. |
Obtaining detailed information about the persons getting Adult Education. |
Understanding and involvement of people in the process of "Buniyadi Shikshan". |
Setting the Standards, Limitations and development of techniques for the evaluation of District Institutions. |
Conducting Studies and Researches for the areas of district which are educationally backward. |
Leadership, Motivation, team work, Educational administration, Financial Management and Account. |
Co-ordination of programmes of various branches. |
Providing information concerning Planning and Management. |
Preparing reviews of the Yearly and Five-yearly institutional programmes of DIET and Self-Evaluation. |