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DIET's Branches Details

Branch Abbrivation Full Name of Branch
PSTE Pre- Service Teacher Education
WE Work Experience
DRU District Resource Unit
IFIC In –Service Programmes Field Interaction and Innovation Co-Ordination.
CMDE Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation
ICT Information and Communication Technology.
PM Planning and Management.

Function of branches of DIET

PSTE (Pre-service Teacher Education)
Organizing pre-service course for elementary school teachers and to provide academic inputs into such course is the subjects represented in the Branch.
Propagation of (a) learner centered education and (b) education for personality development (including value and cultural education) through training, extension, preparation of suitable teaching aids, action researches etc.
All general matters concerning teaching methodology and specific matters concerning teaching methodology of the school NFE ( Non Formal Education) subjects represented in the Branch.
Maintenance of science Lab, Psychology equipment, Resource Room for Education of Disabled children, Rooms for Art education, and equipments and facilities for sports and Physical Education.
Promotion of and support to co-curricular activities in areas related t the substantive work of branch, e.g. debates and elocution, literature, Science Fairs, Visual and Performing Arts, Sports and Physical Education competitions, Yoga, Hobbies etc.
WE ( Work Experience )
The Teaching -Learning Material, Low-Cost Material, Evaluation Material and Techniques concerning the activities and Programmes of Pre-service and In-service Teachers.
In-service Training Programmes.
Maintenance of the campus.
Monitoring and directing the activities of development.
Maintaining working places/farms/parks for work-experience activities.
DRU (District Resource Unit)
Organizing and conducting the program for the members of Adult Education and Non-Schooling Education.
Preparing syllabus for Adult Education and Non-schooling Education.
Preparing Teaching-Learning Material after Basic Education (Buniyadi Shikshan) and basic mathematics.
Preparing Low-cost materials and Evaluation Materials
Coordination with concerning institutes and carries out the activities accordingly.
Providing services as a Head Department for the programmes of Adult Education, Conducting Field-Interaction with the Adult Education and Non-Schooling Education Centres and their Projects.
To conduct population education and continuous education.
IFIC (In Service Field Interaction, Innovation & Co-ordination)
Coordination with Educational Institutions of the whole district in the organizing and direction of programmes during In-Service Education.
Conducting programmes organized by DIET.
Preparing Annual Time-Table and list of Training Programmes.
Evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the Programmes of In-Service, look after and improving them which are organized inside or outside the infrastructures of DIET.
Conducting activities through correspondence, visit, distribution of printed materials etc.
Working as Head Centre in the research and field interaction.
Publishing Regular Newsletter and distribution to every primary school of the district.
CMDE (Curriculum Material Development & Evaluation)
Up Grading of syllabus.
Syllabus for the tribal people in their own language.
Searching new talents, principles, motivators for the Evaluation, Questionnaire, Diagnostic test & programmes,
Supporting District Resource Unit for the development of Adult and Non schooling education.
Conducting activities through correspondence, visit, distribution of printed materials etc.
Management of Working schools for the programmes concerning syllabus on service. Material development and evaluation.
ET (Educational Technology)
Developing effective and low cost education materials for the basic education. i.e. Chart, Picture, Samples, Models, Map, Drama Scripts, Songs-jingles etc.
Maintenance of Audio-Visual instruments of DIET.
Organizing demonstrations of the educational materials prepared by diet or any other Institute.
Collections of films.
Organization of Adult Education Programmes.
Management of working schools for development programmes.
Running and maintenance of a Computer and other peripherals.
Computer practical teaching to PSTE students.
Teleconference, video Conference and email facility.
Conducting computer awareness programmes for selected primary teachers, CRC co-ordinators, BRC co-ordinators of district.
P & M (Planning and Management)
Universalisation of Primary Education.
Achieving aims of National Education Literacy Programmes.
Obtaining detailed information about the persons getting Adult Education.
Understanding and involvement of people in the process of "Buniyadi Shikshan".
Setting the Standards, Limitations and development of techniques for the evaluation of District Institutions.
Conducting Studies and Researches for the areas of district which are educationally backward.
Leadership, Motivation, team work, Educational administration, Financial Management and Account.
Co-ordination of programmes of various branches.
Providing information concerning Planning and Management.
Preparing reviews of the Yearly and Five-yearly institutional programmes of DIET and Self-Evaluation.